Full Licence at falkirk

Motorcycle Licence Falkirk

Getting your motorcycle licence in Falkirk can sometimes seem like a daunting and complicated process, but here at RideTo, we’re all about making the motorcycle training process as easy as possible. Here’s how you can get your motorcycle licence in Falkirk.

Age 16

This is the earliest you can ride a motorcycle or scooter on the road in the UK, although there are some restrictions that come at this age. The quickest way to get on two wheels at 16 is to complete the CBT (Compulsory Basic Training). This is a one day long course that covers the basics of riding a motorcycle or scooter on the road. You don’t need to take any lessons beforehand, nor do you need any prior experience on two wheels. You will, however, be restricted to a machine with an engine no larger than 50cc, and a top speed of 28mph. You’ll also have to display L-plates on the front and rear of your machine, and you won’t be allowed to ride on motorways or carry a passenger. Once you complete the CBT it will remain valid for two years. Once those two years are up you’ll have to retake the CBT or take your full test.

If you want to get rid of the L-plates, carry passengers and ride on motorways, you can take the motorcycle test for the AM licence. For this you’ll have to pass your theory and hazard perception tests first, and have lessons with a qualified instructor. If you pass the AM licence test you’ll be able to tear up the L-plates, carry a passenger and ride on the motorway. You’ll still be restricted to a 50cc machine and a top speed of 28mph, though.

Age 17-18

At 17 the CBT is still the quickest and cheapest way onto two wheels, although if you already completed the CBT at 16 you won’t have to take it again until you turn 18. The only differences at 17 are the restrictions. You will be allowed to ride a motorcycle or scooter with an engine capacity no larger than 125cc, and a maximum power output of 11kW. You’ll still have to display L-plates, and carrying passengers and riding on the motorway will be out of the question. If you’ve spent the last year riding around on a 50cc machine, you can move upto a 125cc machine without any further training. Once again, you can complete the full motorcycle test to shed the L-plates, and gain the ability to carry a passenger and ride on motorways. This is the A1 licence.

Age 19-23

Once you reach the age of 19 things get a little more interesting. You can still opt to complete the CBT if you wish, but at this point you can pass the full motorcycle test, after which you will be allowed to ride any motorcycle or scooter, provided it has a maximum power output of no more than 35kW. You can choose a bike that makes no more than 35kW as standard, or you can go for a bike that makes is more powerful, and fit a restrictor kit, provided there is one available. Much like the CBT, the 35kW restriction lasts two years, after which you will be free to ride any motorcycle you want, regardless of power output.

Age 24

Once you reach the age of 24 the world is your oyster. You will still have to pass your theory and hazard perception tests before your practical test, but once you pass the test you will be able to ride any motorcycle you like, regardless of power and engine size.

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