Full Licence at north-london

Where to Take a Full Motorcycle Licence Test in North London

RideTo work with a partner training school in Sutton, South London called Bikewize who offer great training packages to get your full licence.

Bikewize can be reached by public transport as Worcester Park Train Station is conveniently only a 10 minute walk from the training ground.

Why Upgrade to a Full Motorcycle Licence

There are many reasons to upgrade to a full motorcycle licence after you have passed your CBT.

One of the main reasons is, if you’re 19 or older, you are able to ride larger, more powerful bikes with a full motorcycle licence. You can read more information about what you can ride at what age over at our full licence guide).

Even if your age restricts you from riding a more powerful bike, other benefits include being able to remove your L plates, take a passenger on the back should you choose to and being able to ride on motorways (if 17 or older).

Another reason is that you won’t ever have to attend any training days again. A CBT has to be renewed every 2 years so if you’re planning on riding for a long time it financially makes sense to get a full licence as these don’t have to be renewed.

What Licence Do You Need to Take a Full Motorcycle Licence Test?

You will have to have first taken a CBT test and it will need to be valid at the time of your Full Licence training (a CBT is only valid for 2 years). You will also need to check your UK driving licence, UK provisional licence or EU licence (with UK counterpart licence number) is still valid and make sure you bring the physical copy to your training and test days.

Having a Full Licence Is More Social

Being able to ride on motorways and take pillion passengers on the back of your bike makes a big difference to your overall riding experience.

A full motorcycle licence allows you to involve family members or friends on your motorbike adventures, whether that’s a day trip to the seaside or short camping trip in the countryside!

It also means you can join in on group rides with other motorbike riders as your licence won’t be restricted (age permitting).

Ace Cafe in North London host events and ride outs worth keeping an eye on if you want to make motorbikes more of a social aspect of your life and not just a means of transport!

UK’s #1 platform for motorcycle training

RideTo operates in more than 40 cities across the UK and has helped new riders book over 250,000 hours of motorcycle training.