CBT Licence at audenshaw

Where Can I Book CBT Training In Audenshaw?

We have a great selection of CBT training schools around Audenshaw. Choose from Audenshaw, Manchester, Stockport, Heywood and Sale or a little further afield in Huddersfield. To book, simply enter your postcode and find the very best available across the UK.

Should I Do My CBT On An Automatic Or A Manual?

When booking your CBT you will have the choice as to what type of machine you would like to learn on, an automatic or a manual. We recommend learning to ride on whichever type of machine you most intend on riding. Unlike a car test, if you complete your training on an automatic you are still able to ride a manual machine after your test.

What Size Bike Can I Ride On A CBT?

Depending on your age you will be able to ride either a 50cc or 125cc machine. There are some really great options on the market and most of the major manufacturers now offer something in the lower capacity range.

We always recommend heading out to the dealerships and booking a test ride so you can find the one that works for you. If you’re stuck for inspiration here’s our blog on Top 10 Motorcycles for New Riders.

Can I Do A CBT With No Experience?

Yes, we welcome all experiences though we ask that you be able to confidently ride an adult-sized bicycle. If you’re worried about not passing your CBT you may be interested in adding a Peace Of Mind Policy to your booking. This policy means that should you not pass your CBT we will pay for the second day of training, saving you over £130! It should be noted, it does not cover things such as turning up late, lack of knowledge of the highway code or wearing incorrect gear. Full terms and conditions can be found here.

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